Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Where are the blessings this week, God?
If they persist, I insist I'm simply tired. Or mildly stressed. I don't offer up my hurts and grievances because I know they will pass and I will be better.
But part of what we want to do here is to be transparent. To let the honesty of our own journeys speak to you wherever you are on the path.
So . . . I'm going to put this out there. I'm setting aside the regularly scheduled "What Has God Done for You?" post in favor of this rather candid tell-all. When I thought about what blessings I would list that God has worked in my life this week, I couldn't think of one.
Instead, I thought about how this week has been incredibly stressful. How I've been hurt, accused, confused, and misunderstood.
I thought about my calling, my 4 week deadline, my nowhere-near-even-begun manuscript, and my lack of energy.
And I thought about how lost I've been lately.
Coming up with something to share with you guys that God's been doing in my life this week seemed impossible. I could write about fiery trials . . . but that's not very encouraging, or blessing-ish. I could write about how angry and disappointed I feel in others and myself, but well, that's not terribly uplifting either. Instead, I'm writing to say that somewhere in the midst of this week and this craziness, God has been there, pouring out Grace for me to endure.
So forgive the unorthodox post. Forgive the melancholy. I know there are indeed blessings here. And I suppose if I weren't so frequently mired in self-pity, I could actually see them.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Take it to the Lord in Prayer
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beautiful Spring-ness lately.
What's on your heart this week?
Let us know!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Check this out...
Everyone go check it out:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What Has God Done for You?
Monday, April 19, 2010
God Speaks,We Listen
Strangely enough, if I say, “It’s bedtime. Let’s put away the toys,” he suddenly can’t hear a thing. A typical bedtime routine plays out like this. Either my husband or I (sometimes both of us when Ethan is in rare form) nicely announces bedtime. My son continues to play. One of us tells Ethan a second time to put his toys away and head to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Again nothing.
My voice raises, my temperature goes up, and the next bedtime announcement is accompanied by a well-placed threat of time-out or lost play privileges the next day. Suddenly, Ethan’s hearing perks up, and he heads to the bathroom.
Why am I telling you about my son’s “inability” to hear? Because, as much as I hate to admit it, Ethan's a lot like me.
God speaks to me through His Word, and if I don't like the message, I keep going my own way until my disobedience gets me into trouble.
I have a feeling I may not be alone in dealing with selective hearing when it comes to listening to the Father.
God’s Word informs our lives, teaches us about Him and His ways, and functions as our weapon against the enemy’s attack. The Word is powerful, and through it, we learn the attributes the Father would have us possess. For this reason, the Psalmist wrote, "How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You” (Psalm 119:9, 11).
With God’s Word, we grow into spiritual maturity. Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
His word is the spiritual food that gives us strength. "This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me," the Psalmist wrote (Psalm 119:50). And Peter tells us to "as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that [we] may grow thereby" (I Peter 2:2).
So if all of this is true, why do I struggle at times to "hear" God and do what He tells me to do? Probably because, like Ethan, I convince myself that my agenda is more important than God's. The reality is, though, that as much as my husband and I expect Ethan to listen to and obey us, even when he doesn't agree with what we're requiring him to do, God expects believers to listen as He speaks through His word.
Not knowing (and then obeying) the Word of God makes us weak at best. But when we seek to obey God in everything, we’ll develop an intimate relationship with Him, an intimacy that makes it possible for us to live the abundant life God has called us to in Christ.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Getting a different kind of call
Every writer dreams about the moment they get the phone call offering to buy the manuscript. If you’re like me, (on days when I allowed myself to optimistically dream) I practiced what I would say when the moment came. How unflappable and cool I would be. I’d think about it to the point of polishing my acceptance speech, ready to dazzle the editor with my calm and lack of I-just-sold-my-first-book hysteria.
Which is exactly how it played out in real life.
With a few, minor exceptions.
I was at work. The phone rang. I recognized the area code as being the same as the publishing house’s. I calmly answered the phone. Accepted their offer. And resumed work without so much as one ruffled feather.
Right. The first part’s true, up to the point where I realized it was New York calling. Then, I immediately started crying. A lot. So much so that my coworker was looking at me like I’d just gotten word my dog had died.
I managed to garble through my tears that I thought (didn’t know for sure, because I still hadn’t answered the phone) my editor was calling. I then explained that editors rarely call unless they are offering to buy. I’m not entirely sure, but I think she might have started crying then too.
At some point, I started thinking I was hyperventilating. My work buddy was trying to get me to answer the phone, but I was too busy making “I can’t breathe” motions.
I finally caught my breath.
The editor had left a message.
Editor on my voicemail: “Hey Mandy, this is xxxxx at xxxxx, just wanted to call and tell you I have some good news. Call me back.”
I hung up. And cried some more.
At this point, I’d managed to draw quite a bit of attention, and my coworkers started coming up to make sure I wasn’t having some kind of psychotic episode (although why they’d imagine that of me, I’m not sure). Once they realized what was going on, everyone yelled at me to call her back. My boss ran to the bathroom and then shoved a bunch of tissues at me so I could “dry up and call!”
I did. And I had several witnesses who had front row seats to how incredibly dumb I can be on the phone. And I do mean incredibly dumb. I basically had to tell the editor I was freaking out too badly to have a coherent conversation with her. To my editor’s credit, this request didn’t seem to surprise her. She was very gracious and understanding. Or perhaps she could already tell from our previous correspondence that I’m—at times—an idiot.
Afterwards, I was so excited, flustered, in shock, etc., I had to leave for the day.
So, it’s safe to say, nothing I’d planned for “the call,” went the way I’d rehearsed. The moment that defined my writing career (because I’m fairly sure nothing will ever be as exciting as that first call) is encapsulated by tears, laughing, and near hyperventilation . . . all common signs of a nervous breakdown.
But that’s okay. I don’t want my journey to be ordinary, or even calm and collected. I want it to be interesting, inspiring, and uplifting. And maybe just a little tear-jerking.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Seasons Change
I hate change.
Absolutely, positively, unequivocally hate change.
Did I mention I hate change?
Okay, I’m sure you get the point. I’m a creature of habit, to coin a cliché. And if I were of a mind to investigate the deeper reasons for my intense aversion to change, I’m sure I could come up with some deep psychological motivation.
A fear of abandonment maybe? An ongoing resistance resulting from the effects of an unstable childhood perhaps? Some deep psychic wound from early adolescence possibly? All very dramatic excuses, but probably inaccurate. Definitely unimportant.
The bottom line is, I simply like things to stay the same. I like feeling comfortable. The unexpected throws me. I like a plan, preferably one that’s been laid out well in advance and holds no detours.
Unfortunately, God rarely works that way, at least in my life. I cry out to Him for a clear, well established ten year plan. He tells me His word will be a light to direct my steps and a lamp to light my path (Psalm 119:105). I beg Him to show me the next step--and the one after that and the one after that--He tells me to trust Him, not to try to figure things out on my own, and promises He will give me the direction I need (Proverbs 3:5-6).
When God called me to serve Him as a teacher, I was okay with that. Yes, teaching can be tiring at times, but it's rewarding and stable. No surprises, a nice comfortable call I could settle into and enjoy.
But as God began to lead me to serve Him in new and different ways, I put up more than a little resistance. Doesn't Romans 11:29 say the "gifts and calling of God are irrevocable ?" And they are. It isn't that God changes His mind about how He wants us to serve Him; He may, however, change or expand the scope of the call for service He gives each one of us.
So how might a change or expansion in the call play out? It could be as simple as someone who's been called to teach first grade beginning to feel a yearning to shift to older students. Or it could as complex as a doctor answering the tug at his heart to close his successful practice, pack up his family, and devote his life to foreign missions. Or it could be as dramatic (and might I add painful) as a woman who's established and comfortable living out God's call being transitioned into a new and unexpected area of ministry.
Here's what we need to understand. We're God's vessels. We're the clay, and He's the potter (Isaiah 64:8). Nothing more. Nothing less. Our job is to stay open to His work, ready and willing to answer the call whereever it leads us . . . in whatever form it takes.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What Has God Done for You? Wednesday
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Living the Call
As you know from my previous post, I know—without a shadow of doubt—that God has called me to be a writer.
So why then do I spend so much of my time figuring out how not to write?
Don’t get me wrong; I love the idea of writing. I love writing itself, when the words flow from my brain to my fingertips to the keyboard. When the story practically writes itself, and all I have to do is be a vessel for creative genius.
Which happens much less often than I would like.
Most of the time, I struggle. Life gets in between me and the fictional world of romance I’m trying to craft. It’s hard to care about two imaginary people falling in love when my daughter is sick; the car’s acting up; or I’m just plain ‘ole tired.
So how do I stay faithful to living out God’s call in my everyday life?
Let me first say, I fully believe it’s okay to skip a day, to rest when you feel so worn out that one more task on the to-do list will push you over the edge. God understands when we’re tired. He knows that life is stressful, demanding, and draining. He understands that I keenly feel a mother’s guilt when my two-year-old asks me to play and I’ve got a deadline looming on the horizon.
I don’t believe He holds it against me when I shut the laptop and help her build a castle. On the other hand, I can’t argue that I’m being true to my calling if I never actually do it. There comes a time when my protestations for why I can’t write are simply excuses.
When I’ve allowed my mind to magnify what I love into a chore I loathe. When that’s the case, living out the call is difficult, but only because I’ve made it so.
I’m not here professing to hold the secret to compartmentalizing the bad stuff in your life, or magically erasing stress. This is as much a learning journey for me as anyone. But the one thing I know with all certainty is that as long as we persist in making excuses, procrastinating, or otherwise thwarting God’s plan for our lives, we’re being disobedient.
It’s a hard, hard lesson I’m, unfortunately, learning the hard, hard way.
Whether God’s called you to be a teacher, a mother, a caregiver, a painter, a chimney sweep, or all of the above, He’ll give you the passion, the drive, and (even though at times this may seem doubtful) the time to do what He’s asked of you.
And the question I have to keep asking myself is what am I going to do with that time?
Or get it done?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Take It to the Lord in Prayer Friday
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What Has God Done for You? Wednesday

Anybody want to sound off about God has been doing for you this week?
For me, he's allowed me to see the humor and beauty of life, even in stressful situations.
He's reminded me, again, how blessed I am to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends.
And I've been renewed in my awe of the sacrifice made two thousand years ago for us all. Perhaps we quote this verse so much that we've lost some of it's impact, but think about it now:
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).
So above all the many things God has done to bless me, in this Holy Week, I want to give thanks and praise that I can have both abundant life on earth and eternal life in Heaven.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
One (of many) writing fears . . .

I don't know what kind of power that white space has over me, but it's almost like just looking at it paralyzes my hands. My fingers can no longer type. My brain no longer has anything witty for me to pen. Even thinking about it right now has me feeling panicked and frozen.
Maybe that sounds a bit dramatic (something I've never been accused of, thankyouverymuch). But I like to think I'm not alone out there in my fear of the scary first page. And I'm equally sure a psychologist would have loads to say about what this fear says about me as a person . . .
So I'm wondering if anyone else detests empty space as much as I do?
What do you do to get over it?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Answering the call
Something about John 21:15-19 has always intrigued me.
You probably know the story. Peter had failed miserably, denying Jesus three times, going so far as cursing to prove he wasn’t a follower of the Lord. But Jesus forgave Him and even restored Peter to his place of ministry.
Just before returning to the Father, Jesus had prepared an intimate time of fellowship with the disciples, and at the end of the evening, He began to talk to them about the future. It’s in this setting that Jesus asked Peter a crucial question: “Simon, do you love me?”
Then, Jesus revealed His purpose for Peter’s life. Peter was to “feed” the Lord’s “sheep,” to give his life to ministering Truth to a hurt, broken world. Peter would have to surrender everything to God in order to fulfill His call.
A difficult path for sure. One no one would choose on his own, but the truth is Peter’s story is not so unique. The specifics may be different for each of us, but God is calling all believers to lay everything down for Him.
John 21:15-19 suggests surrendering to God’s will was a process for Peter. So it is for all of us. Here’s how the call to teach played out in my life.
I’d begun my senior year of college excited about graduation but with no clue what I would do next. I loved writing and figured I’d probably go for a job in journalism, maybe write for a magazine. What I knew for certain was I would never, ever, not in a million years become a teacher.
So when people asked me what I planned to do after graduation, my stock and well practiced response was, “I don’t know, but I’ll never teach.”
At some point about half way through the fall of my senior year, I began to feel uneasy with my flippant attitude about teaching. Crazy thought, but I could see myself standing in a college classroom sharing my “vast wisdom” with hungry young adults. Could I have the same impact on students my professors had had on me?
Did I really want the long hours, low pay, and endless grading of a teacher’s life?
I began to pray, asking God for direction, listening for His answer.
Instead of telling me what to do, He asked me if I trusted Him enough to surrender everything to Him. Then, He showed me that He had worked everything in my life to bring me to this moment. And, yes, He was calling me to teach. The gifts, talents, and desires of my heart were ordained of Him and all perfectly aligned to equip me for this call He had placed on my life.
I won’t pretend answering God’s call is simple or easy. But I can tell you this, God has paved an amazing path for me, opened doors I never dreamed of, and blessed me with great students, wonderful colleagues, and a life that makes a difference for the kingdom.
So here’s the best advice I can give you. Be quiet before the Lord and let Him speak His purpose into your life.
Then, trust Him enough to say, “Yes.”
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Taking it to the Lord in Prayer
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What's God calling you to do?
Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.
--Jeremiah 10:23
Ask anybody who really knows me, and they'll tell you I like to argue. I prefer to call it "debating," but I won't burn up words quibbling over the difference. Except to say that . . . okay, never mind.
And considering my affinity for verbal sparring, it was no surprise to my family when I announced my intention of going to college, majoring in Pre-law, attending law school, and becoming the inspiration for the actors who play ADA's on Law and Order.
I was angry. Frustrated. Lost.
Everything I'd ever wanted for my life was crumbling around me. Sure, I could go to law school after I got my BA in English, but that wasn't part of the plan!!!
At least, not part of my plan.
Eight years, several rejections, tears, and laughs, later, I'm a published writer and novelist.
What happened to so totally derail and then realign my ambitions? God did.
I won't say his voice was accompanied by thunderclaps and lightening bolts. Because in truth, I wasn't even sure what I was hearing from him for some time. But I noticed a definite pattern going on. Things that Mandy wanted (without any input from God) always seemed to blow up in my face. Doors slammed shut on me. And my passion for law, something that had so defined me, slowly dwindled and disappeared completely. God was calling me to be a writer, not a lawyer.
So how do you know what God has called you to? How do you make the big, difficult decisions on what to do with your life?
The first is rather simple, but absolutely necessary. Pray. The second thing. Pray some more. I won’t insult your intelligence by telling you that the third thing is to pray after you’ve finished doing points one and two . . . although it’s sound advice.
Next, Listen. God promises he’ll direct our steps and give us guidance, if we allow him to. He doesn’t promise that he’ll clang a cymbal and do a drum roll before he speaks in order to get our attention. Let the prompting of the Holy Spirit cut through the fog and chatter of day to day life. If we’re so busy (as in my case) telling God what we’re going to do, then we aren’t being quiet enough to listen to what He has to say.
And practically, figure out what you’re good at. God is not going to call you to do something that you have no talent or ability to do. And if he does, well, I'm convinced He'll provide whatever you need to be successful in your call and bring Him glory. Think about what you enjoy, as well. Although, I’m sad to say that what you enjoy and what you're good at don’t always coincide. I’ve heard many a person who loved music but sounded like a dying cat when they sang. Like Tuesday night on American Idol. Ouch.
I could write an epistle on this topic. Figuring out God’s call (or calls) for your life can be a difficult thing. What I can say without any doubt, however, is that a foundation of communication is the most important component to unraveling the mystery. And if you’re call ends up not being what you expected . . . Don’t be surprised.
Be grateful.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What has God done for you?

They don't necessarily have to be big or life-changing. Sometimes the smallest blessings make the biggest difference (feel free to quote that if you wish. I don't think I stole it from anyone).
Since last Wednesday, God has:
- Provided healing for my dad and peace for me and my family
- Made me aware of how blessed I am to have certain people in my life
- Given me guidance on my writing projects (something I sorely, sorely needed)
What about you?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wherever I am . . .
Strange how, as children, we think we have so much control over things completely beyond us. In hindsight, of course, I realize how little I could have done if one of my late-night trips had not turned out the way I expected. I was seven, didn't know CPR, and probably would have forgotten the number to 911 in my panic.
Unfortunately, things haven't changed that much, I suppose. I don't drive across town every night to check on my parents. But I do try to call them regularly, and if too long goes by without them returning my message, I start calling my sister and fleshing out a plan to see who will go check on them. I check my daughter every night before I go to sleep. On the slight chance I wake up in the middle of the night, I'm by her bed, just "making sure" she's still okay.
As an adult, I'd like to think I've moved past irrational fears, that I understand God's timing is perfect and He will give me the strength to endure even life's darkest moments.
But thinking so and really embracing the concept are two totally different things.
Which was why, when I got a call at 1 am Thursday morning from my sister, telling me she'd called an ambulance to take my dad to the hospital, I prepared myself for a nervous breakdown.
It didn't happen.
I drove calmly to the hospital, sat in the waiting room until the ambulance arrived (yes, I beat it by about 20 minutes), and prayed. Really, really hard.
I'd always thought a moment like the one where I got "a call" would devastate me. I wouldn't even be able to hear how serious the situation was because I'd be curled up in a ball on the floor. But I handled my dad's attack with a calmness and maturity I know wasn't from me. (Dad's doing great now, by the way!)
My lack of a dramatic, throw-myself-on-the-floor moment wasn't because I care less about my dad or love him less than I used to. Absolutely not. Looking back now, I'm horrified thinking about how things could have easily been much different. In the moment, though, I was at peace.
God never ceases to amaze me. He knew exactly what I would need before I did. He knew I would need strength to face one of my biggest fears. That I would need the presence and love of the Ultimate Comforter. And He knew everything was going to be fine.
I write this so I can look back as a reminder. As frustrated as I've been with life lately, things not working in my time, etc., it's reassuring to know that God's got everything mapped out. I just need follow directions (preferably without complaining . . . which will be pretty difficult for me).
He knows where this crazy ride will take me just as much as He knew where I'd be Thursday morning at 1 am.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Taking it to the Lord in Prayer--Friday

I truly am the world's worst about sharing my prayer concerns with other believers. Really. I'm horrible.
I don't know why; it's not like I don't appreciate other people praying for me. I guess I feel awkward about just flipping my prayer concern out in typical everyday conversation.
See? Maybe I'm just really bad at it, and that's why I never do it.
Well, here's a solution. Every Friday, we're going to open it up to you guys. The Bible tells us to "Pray for one another," (James 5:16), so let's do that.
Post your prayer concerns in the comments, shoot us an email, whatever makes you comfortable. And we promise we'll lift it up to God in prayer.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What Has God Done for You? Wednesday

Here's something a little different from what you're used to (at least from us).
- Given me the strength to finish up my edits . . . get that bad boy in the mail . . . and have time just to veg.
- Allowed me the opportunity to share with all you guys again.
- Helped me survive daylight savings time. Barely.
What has God done for you this week? What would you like him to do?
Monday, March 15, 2010
What's the purpose?
I was beginning the last year of my Masters degree, graduation looming in the not too distant future. And I had no clue where I would work. My desire was to teach at my alma mater, a small liberal arts college with about 2500 students, but the English Department had no openings. My next best plan was to find a similar university and teach there. So I diligently checked job lists and sent my resume to several colleges, none of which had the decency to acknowledge my application with even a “thank you, but we’re not interested.”
When it was clear my plan wasn’t working, I decided to pray. Not that I thought my lack of employment mattered much to God when there were so many more important things—like healing the sick and saving the lost—for Him to concern Himself with. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I plunged ahead with my prayers, all the time hoping the Lord wouldn’t be offended at my audacity in approaching Him for something so insignificant in comparison to the other things that required His attention.
One Sunday morning two months before graduation, I attended church as usual, but that was the only thing typical about the day. A guest evangelist preached on Jeremiah 28:11. I don’t recall the specifics, but I do remember his assurance that God has a plan for all of us. Something about that verse beckoned for my attention. I couldn’t wait to study the Scripture for myself.
I’d been a Christian for a number of years at this point, but I honestly never thought God might have something specifically planned for my life beyond being saved and living for Him. Never considered that He calls people other than pastors, evangelists, and missionaries to serve Him.
God thought about me? A revolutionary idea. He concerned Himself with my day-to-day existence?
I realized my focus was all wrong. Rather than worrying about employment, I needed to ask God what He was calling me to do. What were His thoughts for me? What was His plan? It wasn’t up to me to figure out what to do next. My job was to place myself squarely in the Lord’s care, to be still and listen as He revealed His purpose for my life.
Jeremiah 29:11 literally sets us free from worry over the future. If God has a plan, we don’t have to worry. We can trust that He will work out the details of our lives in His good time. That’s exactly what He did for me. First, God confirmed that He absolutely had called me to teach; that was His plan for my life. Then, He opened an amazing door that was well beyond anything I had hoped for. On a whim— a God moment?—I sent my resume to a large university and to my amazement was hired. It turned out to be the perfect place for me to begin my teaching career.
His plans for us are good— and they far exceed our imagination.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What's with the new title?

For everything there is a season, and a time for very purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
We're Back
Last year, Cheryl and I decided it was best to step back from the Writers' Pointe and focus on our own writing projects.
We did that.
And I'm pleased, and humbled, to say God has moved in crazy, unexpected ways in our lives.
Cheryl has been asked to be a regular contributor for She's also completed a proposal for her Non-fiction Christian living book and is in the process of touching up chapters and compulsively editing.
Last month, Cheryl was appointed to the SC Commission on Women.
A few weeks ago, she won the SC Independent Colleges and Universities Excellence in Teaching award for North Greenville University.
She's also been approached to be a part of several collaborative projects.
And Mandy . . .
Well, I signed my first book contract last week.
I have another under consideration at the same house and am working on my third manuscript (who would have thought I'd even finish the first one . . . definitely a God thing!)
So, we've decided to come back to the blog (renamed Just for this Season) and share our journeys with you. Our hope is that by allowing others to see the life-transforming changes and opportunities God has worked for us, it will be an encouragement to our readers. We also hope you'll do us the honor of sharing your journey (whether it be writing, homemaking, finishing school, etc) with us.