Monday, March 15, 2010

What's the purpose?

*This post is the first in a five part series on God’s call on your life.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

I’m sure I’d read Jeremiah 29:11 hundreds of times before, but it didn’t take root in my heart until I came to understand that God has a call on my life, something He wants me to do, a specific plan He’s designed Himself.

I was beginning the last year of my Masters degree, graduation looming in the not too distant future. And I had no clue where I would work. My desire was to teach at my alma mater, a small liberal arts college with about 2500 students, but the English Department had no openings. My next best plan was to find a similar university and teach there. So I diligently checked job lists and sent my resume to several colleges, none of which had the decency to acknowledge my application with even a “thank you, but we’re not interested.”

When it was clear my plan wasn’t working, I decided to pray. Not that I thought my lack of employment mattered much to God when there were so many more important things—like healing the sick and saving the lost—for Him to concern Himself with. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I plunged ahead with my prayers, all the time hoping the Lord wouldn’t be offended at my audacity in approaching Him for something so insignificant in comparison to the other things that required His attention.

One Sunday morning two months before graduation, I attended church as usual, but that was the only thing typical about the day. A guest evangelist preached on Jeremiah 28:11. I don’t recall the specifics, but I do remember his assurance that God has a plan for all of us. Something about that verse beckoned for my attention. I couldn’t wait to study the Scripture for myself.

I’d been a Christian for a number of years at this point, but I honestly never thought God might have something specifically planned for my life beyond being saved and living for Him. Never considered that He calls people other than pastors, evangelists, and missionaries to serve Him.

God thought about me? A revolutionary idea. He concerned Himself with my day-to-day existence?

I realized my focus was all wrong. Rather than worrying about employment, I needed to ask God what He was calling me to do. What were His thoughts for me? What was His plan? It wasn’t up to me to figure out what to do next. My job was to place myself squarely in the Lord’s care, to be still and listen as He revealed His purpose for my life.

Jeremiah 29:11 literally sets us free from worry over the future. If God has a plan, we don’t have to worry. We can trust that He will work out the details of our lives in His good time. That’s exactly what He did for me. First, God confirmed that He absolutely had called me to teach; that was His plan for my life. Then, He opened an amazing door that was well beyond anything I had hoped for. On a whim— a God moment?—I sent my resume to a large university and to my amazement was hired. It turned out to be the perfect place for me to begin my teaching career.

His plans for us are good— and they far exceed our imagination.


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