Monday, March 29, 2010

Answering the call

**Part 3 0f 5 0n God's Call

Something about John 21:15-19 has always intrigued me.

You probably know the story. Peter had failed miserably, denying Jesus three times, going so far as cursing to prove he wasn’t a follower of the Lord. But Jesus forgave Him and even restored Peter to his place of ministry.

Just before returning to the Father, Jesus had prepared an intimate time of fellowship with the disciples, and at the end of the evening, He began to talk to them about the future. It’s in this setting that Jesus asked Peter a crucial question: “Simon, do you love me?”

Then, Jesus revealed His purpose for Peter’s life. Peter was to “feed” the Lord’s “sheep,” to give his life to ministering Truth to a hurt, broken world. Peter would have to surrender everything to God in order to fulfill His call.

A difficult path for sure. One no one would choose on his own, but the truth is Peter’s story is not so unique. The specifics may be different for each of us, but God is calling all believers to lay everything down for Him.

John 21:15-19 suggests surrendering to God’s will was a process for Peter. So it is for all of us. Here’s how the call to teach played out in my life.

I’d begun my senior year of college excited about graduation but with no clue what I would do next. I loved writing and figured I’d probably go for a job in journalism, maybe write for a magazine. What I knew for certain was I would never, ever, not in a million years become a teacher.

So when people asked me what I planned to do after graduation, my stock and well practiced response was, “I don’t know, but I’ll never teach.”

At some point about half way through the fall of my senior year, I began to feel uneasy with my flippant attitude about teaching. Crazy thought, but I could see myself standing in a college classroom sharing my “vast wisdom” with hungry young adults. Could I have the same impact on students my professors had had on me?

Did I really want the long hours, low pay, and endless grading of a teacher’s life?

I began to pray, asking God for direction, listening for His answer.

Instead of telling me what to do, He asked me if I trusted Him enough to surrender everything to Him. Then, He showed me that He had worked everything in my life to bring me to this moment. And, yes, He was calling me to teach. The gifts, talents, and desires of my heart were ordained of Him and all perfectly aligned to equip me for this call He had placed on my life.

I won’t pretend answering God’s call is simple or easy. But I can tell you this, God has paved an amazing path for me, opened doors I never dreamed of, and blessed me with great students, wonderful colleagues, and a life that makes a difference for the kingdom.

So here’s the best advice I can give you. Be quiet before the Lord and let Him speak His purpose into your life.

Then, trust Him enough to say, “Yes.”


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