I hope those reading will indulge me for one post; I will try, one day in the future, not to venture much into the murkiness of my own issues. Today is not that day.
I like to think that I have all the answers; really, I really do. My friends will tell you that pretending to be an authority on something is probably my favorite pastime. But today, November 13, 2008, I am admitting that I’ve finally been stymied.
What, you may be asking yourselves, is so far outside the bounds of reality that Mandy doesn’t know the answer? I’ll grant you, it is hard to even imagine.
But here goes.
I have been given the opportunity to finally cast off the chains of employment and work for myself instead. (And really, who could envision a better boss?). I would be able to do something I’ve been talking about for years—become a stay at home mother, and a full time writer.
But, as any writer will tell you, there are no guarantees in the business. What might win the Pulitzer one day could land in an editor’s trash heap the next.
So while, at the moment, I have the promise of steady work, I can’t be certain it will be that way next month. I might be inundated with work, making millions (I wish), or I might be selling second-hand buttons door to door.
Am I crazy to even consider leaving stable employment in this economy? Am I wanting this so badly that I’m following my own desires, rather than the ultimate Plan for my life? It's a mystery to me.
So, as one writer to another, I’m looking for advice, assistance, past tales of woe or glory. And even if you’ve never had to make this decision, even if your writing is more personal than public, humor me and let me know what you would do. I’m asking a lot, I know. And I’m certainly not promising that I’m going to take anyone’s advice (because, sometimes, I like to be contrary), but I will heed it, and consider it thoughtfully.
So leave a comment if you will, and thank you for letting me break off the beaten path for a few paragraphs.
Graphic from everystockphoto.com
ReplyDeleteI know we haven't kept up that well in the past couple years, but I thought I'd offer my 2 cents as a fellow mother/professional. I've been staying at home with Daniel since he was born and working on the weekends and part time for my engineering company. The weekend assignment that I had from a couple months after he was born til this summer was awesome- it allowed me to make a little money on the side while my husband watched Daniel on a regular basis. Currently, my position has changed to more of a contracted, as they need part time person and it's not easy. I have to get my work done largely during Daniel's nap or at night while my husband does his grad student work. It's also basically on call, so it's awful when you're planning out what you think you'll be doing in any give week. But it's totally worth it if you can do it financially. I love being home with Daniel and despite being asked back full time several times I haven't changed my mind. It's not a perfect or glamorous job- I've had many people ask why I'd get a degree and not use it, etc- but I enjoy it. It's also allowed me the time to make friends with other mothers and playdates for the babies. But I think what is the most important, making something work for both you and your daughter. It's not an easy choice and you'll probably wonder about the road not taken all the time, but it's rewarding none the less.
Good luck!
Thanks Liz! I'm grateful for the insight, and glad for you as well! Take care of that family of yours.
Hmmm...I'm torn in my response. I'm all about following some dreams, when it's possible, and I definitely want to encourage you in that. On the other hand, I try to be a realist, and having a steady job with steady income is pretty important.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I know you're freelancing right now. And I know you've been wanting to do this for a long time. So...if you think that financially, you're in a place where you're able to quit work, and you feel that God is in control and leading you to this decision, then do it.
I'll be praying for you, friend, and if you need to bounce ideas off someone, you have my number. :)
Thank you as well, Haley. I can always count on your wisdom! And in gratitude for your support, I will not even insinuate that you would rather I not leave work for obvious reasons.
Actually, I don't think I could bear work without you, and I would probably soon follow in your footsteps. I just thought I would leave that unsaid...until now...when I just said it...