**Part 2 of 5 on God's Call
I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself,
Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.
--Jeremiah 10:23
Ask anybody who really knows me, and they'll tell you I like to argue. I prefer to call it "debating," but I won't burn up words quibbling over the difference. Except to say that . . . okay, never mind.
And considering my affinity for verbal sparring, it was no surprise to my family when I announced my intention of going to college, majoring in Pre-law, attending law school, and becoming the inspiration for the actors who play ADA's on Law and Order.
Everything was progressing smoothly. I was accepted to a prestigious pre-law program at a university up north. I participated in intern-like programs with a local attorney. I honed my argumentative skills by sharpening them continually (to the dismay of friends and family alike).
So imagine my surprise when I wound up at a small college twenty minutes from my house, enrolled in the English program. Perhaps "surprise" is not exactly the right word for what I felt at the time.
I was angry. Frustrated. Lost.
Everything I'd ever wanted for my life was crumbling around me. Sure, I could go to law school after I got my BA in English, but that wasn't part of the plan!!!
At least, not part of my plan.
Eight years, several rejections, tears, and laughs, later, I'm a published writer and novelist.
What happened to so totally derail and then realign my ambitions? God did.
I won't say his voice was accompanied by thunderclaps and lightening bolts. Because in truth, I wasn't even sure what I was hearing from him for some time. But I noticed a definite pattern going on. Things that Mandy wanted (without any input from God) always seemed to blow up in my face. Doors slammed shut on me. And my passion for law, something that had so defined me, slowly dwindled and disappeared completely. God was calling me to be a writer, not a lawyer.
So how do you know what God has called you to? How do you make the big, difficult decisions on what to do with your life?
The first is rather simple, but absolutely necessary. Pray. The second thing. Pray some more. I won’t insult your intelligence by telling you that the third thing is to pray after you’ve finished doing points one and two . . . although it’s sound advice.
Next, Listen. God promises he’ll direct our steps and give us guidance, if we allow him to. He doesn’t promise that he’ll clang a cymbal and do a drum roll before he speaks in order to get our attention. Let the prompting of the Holy Spirit cut through the fog and chatter of day to day life. If we’re so busy (as in my case) telling God what we’re going to do, then we aren’t being quiet enough to listen to what He has to say.
And practically, figure out what you’re good at. God is not going to call you to do something that you have no talent or ability to do. And if he does, well, I'm convinced He'll provide whatever you need to be successful in your call and bring Him glory. Think about what you enjoy, as well. Although, I’m sad to say that what you enjoy and what you're good at don’t always coincide. I’ve heard many a person who loved music but sounded like a dying cat when they sang. Like Tuesday night on American Idol. Ouch.
I could write an epistle on this topic. Figuring out God’s call (or calls) for your life can be a difficult thing. What I can say without any doubt, however, is that a foundation of communication is the most important component to unraveling the mystery. And if you’re call ends up not being what you expected . . . Don’t be surprised.
Be grateful.